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Hello everyone! welcome to my tutorial page hosted on GitHub. Here, I have complied some basic tutorial of statistical and phylogenetic analysis. Statistical analysis can be execute in R statistical programming. Different free softwares can be used for phylogenetic analysis.

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One-way ANOVA in R

load required packages

library(“ggplot2”) library(“ggpubr”)

load data

data(“PlantGrowth”) str(PlantGrowth)

Check normality of weight

ggqqplot(PlantGrowth$weight) #create Q-Q plot ggplot(PlantGrowth, aes(x=weight)) + geom_density() #create density curve shapiro.test(PlantGrowth$weight) #normality test statistics

Test for homogeneity of variance


Doing One-way ANOVA

ANOVA=aov(weight~group,data=PlantGrowth) summary(ANOVA) #summary of anova

posthoc test


