Hello everyone! welcome to my tutorial page hosted on GitHub. Here, I have complied some basic tutorial of statistical and phylogenetic analysis. Statistical analysis can be execute in R statistical programming. Different free softwares can be used for phylogenetic analysis.
Compare differences between two dependent means. Commonly applied for case-control studies or repeated measures. Assumptions of paired sample t-test
#Remember if you have already installed these packages, it is not required to install them again and again.
Copy your data in excel and run this command or there are several other option to import your data.
data=read.table(“clipboard”, header=TRUE)
#I will prepare one data for the test, where a training was conducted to improve knowledge of participants of ICT. Their scores were measured before and after the training.
before=c(12.2, 14.6, 13.4, 11.2, 12.7, 10.4, 15.8, 13.9, 9.5, 14.2)
after=c(13.5, 15.2, 13.6, 12.8, 13.7, 11.3, 16.5, 13.4, 8.7, 14.6)
#Create data frame ICT=data.frame(time=rep(c(“before”,”after”), each=10), score=c(before, after))
shapiro.test(ICT$score) # Data is normally distributed
bartlett.test(score~time, data=ICT) # Data has equal variance
t.test(formula = score ~ time, data=ICT, alternative = “greater”, mu = 0, paired = TRUE, var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)
ggboxplot(ICT, x = “time”, y = “score”, color = “time”, palette = c(“#00AFBB”, “#E7B800”), order = c(“before”, “after”), ylab = “Score”, xlab = “Time”)